We are excited to invite all our members to join the virtual forum, "Young People and Adolescents with MPNs", taking place on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (CET). This online event will be available in French, Spanish, and English, enhanced with AI-generated avatars to improve the overall experience.
This event is organized by Vivre avec une NMP, the French association, and MPN Voice, and we are grateful for making this event possible.

This forum offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the unique challenges faced by young people and adolescents with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs). The event will feature renowned specialists such as:
Prof. Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Hospital Saint Louis, Paris
Prof. Claire Harrison, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London
Dr. Juan Carlos Hernández-Boluda, Hospital Clínico de Valencia
In addition, we will hear moving patient and family testimonials and hold an interactive Q&A session.