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Virtual Meeting: Regain Your Strength - Second Meeting - February 13th

Join us for the second session of "Regain Your Strength" on Thursday, February 13th from 6pm to 8pm (CET) via Zoom. This empowering virtual meeting is designed to help individuals living with MPNs regain their strength through creative expression. In this session, we'll focus on Listen to doubts, get informed, and be in a trusted group—an opportunity to write, share, and be supported in a safe space.

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About Puy Barral

Puy Barral, a former general and pediatric dentist with 15 years of experience, has worked with over a thousand patients, gaining a deep understanding of human connection, active listening, and the importance of well-being. In 2017, after being diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia, Puy reinvented herself and began exploring creative expressions like writing and voice

She has since completed a Master’s degree in Mindfulness and a Facilitator Training for Women's Circles. Puy conducts workshops in creative writing and performance poetry, using these methods to support healing and empowerment.

Save Your Spot!

Writing and reading are powerful tools to express emotions and begin the healing process. By sharing our experiences creatively, we not only regain our strength but also help others along the way.

This special session will be conducted in Spanish, with live translation available for English speakers. Only 30 spots are available, so be sure to reserve your place today!

Register now and don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore the therapeutic benefits of writing, connect with others, and take the first steps toward recovery and strength-building.

Let’s come together to regain our strength and support each other through creative expression.

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