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MPN-MDS EU Focus Meeting 2023: President Peter Loffelhardt in Attendance

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the multinational congress MPN-MDS European Focus 2023 is taking place in Bratislava, Slovakia, this September 15-16, 2023.

We are delighted to inform you that the President and Founder of the Global MPN Scientific Foundation, Peter Loffelhardt, is attending this internationally significant event.

MPN-MDS European Focus 2023 is taking place in Bratislava, Slovakia, this September 15-16, 2023

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About the meeting

The theme of the meeting, "International Knowledge & Clinical Practice in 2023", reflects the collaboration to advance the research and treatment of patients with MPN and MDS globally.

This event will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to share knowledge, skills, and experiences. Furthermore, it will serve as a platform for networking with many of the world's leading experts, with a focus on reviewing and assessing best practices and state-of-the-art treatments in MPN and MDS.

More information!

For more information and to stay updated on the event, please visit the official website: MPN-MDS EU Focus Meeting 2023. This event promises to be a valuable opportunity to advance knowledge and clinical practice in the field of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Myelodysplastic Syndromes.

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