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Upcoming videos for the MPN Educational Roundtables 2024!

The MPN Educational Roundtables 2024 took place on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of January, marking a significant milestone for the MPN community. These roundtables gathered a diverse group of individuals, including MPN specialists, associations, and patients from over seven countries, with the main goal of exploring the quality of life issues faced by MPN patients and addressing their unique needs across different countries.

We are excited to invite you to watch the announcement video by Peter Loffelhardt, introducing an important new weekly series. To improve accessibility and facilitate the sharing of knowledge, we are delighted to announce that detailed videos and articles about the MPN Educational Roundtables will be made available on a weekly basis.

Join the Global MPN Scientific Foundation and become part of a growing movement dedicated to advancing MPN research and support. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by MPN. Stay tuned for our upcoming video series that promises to enlighten, educate, and empower our community.

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